Sunday, February 17, 2013
phpDesigner 8.1.0 Multilingual Full Keygen By Muhammad Saleem
phpDesigner 8.1.0 Full Version - Seperti namanya phpDesigner, tentu anda sudah bisa menangkap apa kegunaan dari software ini bukan ? yap,, phpDesigner adalah salah satu program favorit terutama bagi mereka yang baru mengenal dan mempelajari tentang Code PHP. phpDesign v8.1.0 Full Versi akan memberitahukan setiap kesalahan kode, prosedur menggunakan sysntax tertentu, dan satu lagi yang masih jarang di temui pada software sejenis, yaitu ‘PHP run’ dimana kita dapat lansung mempreview kode PHP kita, dan juga IDE (integrated development environment) juga mendukung OOP(object oriented programing/pemograman berbasi objek) pada PHP dan memudahkan pemograman web 2.0.
Key features of "PHP Designer"
Syntax highlighters:
Intelligent syntax highlighting, switch automatic between PHP, HTML, CSS and javascript
PHP (both version 4 and 5 are full supported)
SQL (MySQL, MSSQL 2000, MSSQL 7, Ingres, Interbase 6, Oracle, Sybase)
CSS (both version 1 and 2.1 are full supported)
Support for PHP 4 and PHP 5+
Code explorer for PHP (support for includes, classes, extended classes, interfaces, properties, functions, constants and variables)
Code completion (code insight) for PHP with OOP support
Code tip for PHP (helps you completing your functions as you type)
Support for PHP object oriented programming (OOP) including nested objects
Go to any declarations (classes, functions, variables, interfaces etc.) declared in your files, projects or frameworks
Work with any of your favorites PHP frameworks
Code completion for phpDocumentor
Add automatic phpDocumentor documentation to your classes and functions
phpDocumentor wizard (generate a full documentation of your code in seconds)
Smart comment/uncomment of code
Enclose strings with single- or double quotes, linefeed, carriage return or tabs
Automatic close single- or double quotes, brackets etc.
Fast, powerful and very configurable PHP code beautifier with profile support
Debug PHP:
Debug PHP scripts with Xdebug
Step by step debugging
Step into
Step over
Run to cursor
Run until return
Call stack
Context variables
Multiple sessions
Evaluation Tip
Catch errors
Run PHP scripts using the PHP interpreter from
Catch output (both formatted and as text) and errors and warnings
Support for localhost preview
Preview with Internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari
Support for debugging from external browsers and stepping into the code in phpDesigner 7
Syntax check:
Real time syntax check for PHP, HTML/XHTML and CSS
Real time syntax check for PHP using the PHP interpreter from
Code completion (code insight) for HTML/XHTML with embedded CSS and javascript code completion (code insight)
Tag code inspector for HTML/XHTML
Find and select matching tags
Show HTML/XHTML syntax errors in real-time
The code completion will automatic suggest the missing close tag
Support for HTML tidy (w3 standard, upgrade to css, upgrade to xhtml and upgrade to xml)
Link-, image-, table-, list-, forms-, meta-, flash-, font-, color dialogs
Format tools and tags
Special character dialog and converter
Remove tags
Import tag from other documents
Selection between a variation of doctypes
Code Explorer for CSS
CSS code completion (code insight)
Show CSS syntax errors in real-time
Selector wizards (simple, class, id, contextual, child, sibling and pseudo)
Go to any CSS class or id located in either your document, project or opened files
Code Explorer for javascript
Code completion (code insight) for javascript with OOP support
Code tip for javascript (helps you completing your functions as you type)
Support for the javascript framework jQuery (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
Support for the javascript framework YUI (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
Support for the javascript framework Dojo (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
Support for the javascript framework MooTools (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
Support for the javascript framework Prototype (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
Support for the javascript framework Ext JS (code completion, code tip, go to declaration etc.)
Go to any javascript function or variables declared in either your document, project or opened files
Whats NEW:
New. Support for CSS3 colors HSL, HSLA and RGBA
New. Spanish Language update
New. Catalan Language update
New. Japanese Language update
New. Simplified Chinese Language update
New. Traditional Chinese Language update
New. Hungarian Language update
New. Romanian Language update
New. Git output dialog
Fixed. Git Add file
Fixed. Git Commit file
Fixed. Git Commit folder
Fixed. Git Status
Fixed. Git List committed files
Fixed. Git Diff
Fixed. Git Log
Fixed. Git Log file
Fixed. Run custom Git file command
Fixed. Run custom Git command
Fixed. Text marker with spaces
Fixed. Text marker with tabs
1. Unrar
2. Install phpDesigner kemudian jalankan programnya
3. Run keygen lalu generate serialnya
4. Lakukan Aktivasi phpDesigner dengan serial dari keygen
5. Enjoy
Cinema 4d Studio By Muhammad Saleem
Cinema 4 d is a 3D modeling utility that allows you to create computerized figures on your computer.
This tool has been designed to do the rendering process really fast, without losing any quality. Cinema 4 d also has the ability to create animations or generate all sorts of textures, which then can be saved in AVI, QT, TIFF, BMP and many other video and image formats.
In addition Cinema 4 d supports working with layers and it is compatible with the leading applications in the market, such as Photoshop. This is an advantage for those who are used to work in that environment, because it makes possible the portability of the projects.Introduction to R12 is a complete starter course with 5 hours of tuition for anyone just starting with CINEMA 4D. Targetted towards someone who is currently using Photoshop or After Effects, or anyone currently using an old or low-end 3D application that is looking to move up to a professional piece of software. Matthew takes you through everything from setting your projects up, adjusting preferences to make your life easier, through all the expected areas such as modelling, lighting, animation, texturing and rendering.
Everything is explained clearly and tips about common mistakes and misunderstandings are explained so that you don’t get stuck. This DVD is suitable for all versions of CINEMA 4D R12 but does predominantly cover the features found in the Prime edition. Some extra pointers are mentioned though so that users of other versions such as Broadcast and Studio know where to look if they wish to read up on specific extra features which might help them.
Trial Version Limitations:
-Some functions are restricted.
Essential Requirements for Software Operation:
-2.0 GHz. Processor needed.
-Quicktime 7 previously installed.
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Saturday, February 16, 2013
Microsoft Security Essential By Muhamamd Saleem
Microsoft Security Essential
If you install window XP, Window7 or Window8 etc then after installing you have to require some main software for uses in daily life. Here we have much software and it’s free software for every person, should install on the computer for not making most out of the Machine but also make it Secured and Well Maintained.
Microsoft Security Essential
Antivirus Software is very important software for every computer to protect harmful virus or malware. That’s why Microsoft launched their own Software “Microsoft Security Essential” is used to Prevent, Detect and Remove Malwares, Viruses, Adware, Backdoors, Malicious BHOs, Dialers, Fraud tools, Hi-Jackers, Key-loggers Malicious LSPs, Root-kits, Spyware, Trojan Horses and Worms.
Window Defender By Muhammad Saleem
If you install window XP, Window7 or Window8 etc then after installing you have to require some main software for uses in daily life. Here we have much software and it’s free software for every person, should install on the computer for not making most out of the Machine but also make it Secured and Well Maintained.
Window Defender
Antivirus Software is very important software for every computer to protect harmful virus or malware. That’s why Microsoft launched their own Software “Microsoft Security Essential” is used to Prevent, Detect and Remove Malwares, Viruses, Adware, Backdoors, Malicious BHOs, Dialers, Fraud tools, Hi-Jackers, Key-loggers Malicious LSPs, Root-kits, Spyware, Trojan Horses and Worms.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 By Muhammad Saleem
Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 and Autodesk 3ds Max Design softwareprovide powerful, integrated 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and compositing tools that enable artists and designers to more quickly ramp up for production. The two versions share core technology and features, but offer differentiated experiences and specialized toolsets for game developers, visual effects artists, and graphic designers on the one hand, and architects, designers, engineers, and visualization specialists on the other.
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Drive Space Indicator By Muhammad Saleem
Drive Space Indicator is a reliable software that does a very basic thing that is displaying the amount of space left on your hard drive. Even though the device's properties can display that information, Drive Space Indicator is more simple in showing it.
Novice users will especially like using Drive Space Indicator. There is no configuration necessary and the software is very small. In fact, you will not even notice that it is installed on your system. The method Drive
That status bar is automatically updated when space is released or occupied. Thanks to Drive Space Indicator, you will be on top the storage capacity of your drive regardless of your knowledge level.
PNG To ICON Maker By Muhammad Saleem
Now You Can Make HD Icons In Just a Seconds. Just Drag PNG Picture And Pick ICO Picture In A Second. It is able to create multi-icons from 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 72*72 96x96, 128x128 PNG files.
Category: | |
System Requirements: | Win98 / WinME / Win2K / WinXP |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Unicode support: | No |
License: | Freeware |
How to extract: | Download the RAR package and extract With WinRAR to any folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-clicking on AveIcon.exe. |
Deep Freeze By Muhammad Saleem
Faronics Deep Freeze makes computers indestructible and prevents against unwanted workstation changes—regardless of whether they are accidental or malicious. Deep Freeze is proven to reduce helpdesk support incidents and allows IT personnel to focus on more strategic IT needs.
Reduce Support Costs
With its reboot to restore technology, Faronics Deep Freeze offers the strongest protection available and eliminates the need for IT professionals to reconfigure, re-image, or troubleshoot computers, reducing supporting incidents up to 63%. Organizations using Deep Freeze report 40% few support tickets per desktop compared to organizations not using Deep Freeze.
Bulletproof PCs
Faronics Deep Freeze makes computers indestructible and prevents against workstation damage. It does this by ensuring each and every desktop, laptop, and server always remain in the same perfect original operating state. Deep Freeze ensures 100% workstation recovery on every restart and is the only solution that effectively balances workstation security with user productivity. A bulletproof computer is your best defense against unwanted or unwelcome changes.
Free up IT Resources
IT personnel don’t need to worry about file congestion, system configuration changes, undesired applications/software, or hard drive degradation because Deep Freeze ensures unwanted personal information is never retained by the computer. Deep Freeze allows IT personnel to focus and work on more strategic IT needs for the organization rather than respond to avoidable help-desk requests. Deep Freeze users manage up to 12% more desktops per employee.
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7